Danish Aerospace Company A/S has received an extended and increased contract regarding support of medical equipment and health monitoring of astronauts on the International Space Station.

DAC has, from the Mission control room in Odense, supported ESA with regular health monitoring and fitness tests on the International Space Station since 2006. The MOSES-contract (Medical Operation Support & Engineering Services) has now been extended another year and the contract further includes options for 2023 and 2024.

The readings are performed the first time approximately two weeks after the astronauts arrive at the space station and again every three months during their stay. This includes NASA, ESA, Japanese and Canadian astronauts during longer stays on ISS.

”We are very pleased that ESA has extended the contract and placed options for the coming years. We can hereby continue to maintain our equipment and provide our technical expertise for the critical health monitoring and fitness tests, furthermore, we gain valuable experiences for our other development projects.” - says CEO for DAC, Thomas A. E. Andersen.

The fitness tests are being performed on DAC’s CEVIS- and FERGO ergometers and with the company’s PPFS health monitoring equipment. DAC has contracts on maintaining the equipment in space, which also includes the corresponding test models on Earth.

“Monitoring of astronauts’ health is closely connected to their exercise and the exercise equipment we develop. It is essential for astronauts to always be in good physical shape in space. This is because in the event of medical or technical problems on the space station, they must be well prepared quickly to return to Earth and its gravity or, in the event of problems, be able to undertake a spacewalk with repairs outside the space station. Therefore, regular health monitoring and fitness tests are essential.” - says Thomas A. E. Andersen


For further information:

Danish Aerospace Company A/S:

Thomas A. E. Andersen, CEO, Danish Aerospace Company A/S

Mobile: +45 40 29 41 62, Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.